Trinity1 homily and more

From Deacon Ron Reno:

Transubstantiation. Father’s homily was based on our Holy Day of Corpus Christi on May 30th. The homily was given on how Corpus Christi was actually instituted to the honor of the Sacrament of the Eucharist itself. Please read this historical narrative and homily by Father Andrews. What I would like to add to this conversation is  on transubstantiation and how we believe the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. We believe the Real Presence is there. Jesus Christ our Saviour being incarnate by God’s word took flesh and blood for our salvation. We also believe that bread and wine consecrated by the priest’s words, prayers and spirit is changed to Christ’s body and blood. It is all by the power of God’s Spirit and Word, and it is meant to transform us, who are imperfect people, to have a more personal relationship with Jesus. Deacon Reno cannot do this and that is the important reason we are fortunate to have a priest for this mission church. Thank you Father Andrews for praying for the Spirit (epiklesis) and standing in the place of Christ for this mission. “This is my Body. This is my Blood.” can only come from a man with priestly orders. What a blessing it is to receive the Lord’s body into our physical body. Hallelujah!!!

We had a chanted and sung Litany for this First Sunday after Trinity. The organ prelude from the “Organ Mass for the Convents” was a great intro to the Litany and to the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. We are so lucky to have such God filled music in our midst.

O GOD, the strength of all those who put their trust in thee; Mercifully accept our prayers; and because, through the weakness of our mortal nature, we can do no good thing without thee, grant us the help of thy grace, that in keeping thy commandments, we may please thee, both in will and deed; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Deacon Reno will be and our organist Nick may be gone June 15. Deacon will email if this is to be changed. Deacon is taking his daughter and granddaughter to Colorado for fun and geology. Our 12 year granddaughter is a budding geologist and the Rockies is a great place to explore. It will be fun to explain geo-thermal water to her in Steamboat Springs. Do MP at your home that Saturday. God bless, Deacon

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