From Deacon Ron Reno:
Our First Sunday after Christmas service will be at 11:15. It will be a Sung Morning Prayer and Communion of the Presanctified gifts service. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Please remember that Christmas is not just one day; our 12 days of Christmas starts at midnight Christmas Eve and lasts until January 6th on Epiphany Saturday. Within that 12 days, 8 days are called the Christmas Octave (Octave of the Nativity) which continues until January 1st which echoes the Solemnity the Nativity of the Lord. Our church calendar calls this the Circumcision of Christ and the Octave Day of the Nativity. This Octave really is an eight day celebration to impress upon our souls the mystery of God which also imparts joy and grace into our lives.
Our Christmas Day Lessons and Carols with Communion was done on Christmas Eve. Thank you Robert, Deb, Linda and Julia for doing an outstanding job reading the lessons. Thank you Nick and the choir for the wonderful choice of music you provided for this service. It is such a blessing to sing Christmas Carols we know. The choir sang “Remember, O Thou Man” and it was exceptional.
“GRANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God: that thou hast poured the new light of thy Word made flesh; so He who doth illuminate our hearts by faith may likewise in our works show forth His glory. “ Collect from Christmas Day. Let us pray for everyone to have a joyous 12 days. God bless Deacon