From Deacon Ron Reno:
Good morning! We are having a wonderful fall this year. I hope everyone will get out today or tomorrow and enjoy the beauty that God has surrounded us with. As the trees turn, put yourself under one and see the light filter through the leaves and take a moment to thank God. Our busy lives sometimes take us away from seeing the beauty around us; try to take 10 minutes every day in the quietness of outdoors, hear the birds singing and watch the ever-changing cloud formations. Prayers at those times will have a special meaning for you and your soul. God listens.
We had a lovely sung Morning Prayer service along with the Communion of the Presanctified Gifts this last weekend. Nick led MP and we are blessed to have him. I have attached the bulletin for Trinity 16 if people would like to see the music from that service. I especially loved the anthem the choir sung before the announcements and the homily was given. “O Lord Give Thy Holy Spirit” by Thomas Tallis was especially reverent and well done. We are so blessed to have the talents of Nick, Julia, Julie and Lynda in this choir. They sing for the glory of God and that is our main purpose here.
Collect for Trinity 16
“O LORD, we beseech thee, let thy continual pity cleanse and defend thy Church; and, because it cannot continue in safety without thy succor, preserve it evermore by thy help and goodness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen”
Attached are the homilies for Trinity 15 and 16 by Father Andrews. We are also blessed to have Father Andrews as our Priest in charge. Father will be here either October 14 or October 21st. Bishop Ashman also will be coming soon to visit us. We must pray for traveling mercies for these Holy men. These are modern men who continue to fight the good fight and keep the faith given to us by Jesus. Blessings, Deacon