From Deacon Ron Reno:
Top of day as they would say in “Merry Old England.” They may be eating strawberries and cream, drinking a Pimm’s Cup cocktail at Wimbledon; we are enjoying the beauty that God has blessed us with in Nebraska. I hope everyone can get out of the city and maybe enjoy someplace like the Mahoney State Park, our amazing world class Zoo or enjoy a drive to one of our local wineries. Check out the beauty that surrounds you. They say to stop and smell the roses. God would agree. We did the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts with the Litany last weekend, The Merbecke Gloria and Agnus Dei by the choir were exceptional. We are blessed to have so many God loving people around us.
The following is part of a homily given by Archbishop Robert Sherwood Morse several years ago. It is very poignant.
“The Church is the mystical Body of Christ. In its essence it is not a building, nor a society organized to do good. It is rather a communion, a mysterious Body in which we are all together in union with Christ. The Holy Spirit is everywhere. A teacher in a ghetto in New York City described to the children who had never seen a rainbow what it looked like. One little boy came to class and raised his hand and said, ‘I saw a rainbow today.’ The teacher said, ‘Where did you see it? I didn’t see one.’ The little boy said, ‘I saw it in the gutter.’ He had seen an oil slick, and to him it was a rainbow. The beauty, the love, and the truth of God the Holy Spirit are everywhere.” God bless