Second Sunday after Christmas homily and more

From Deacon Ron Reno:

“Arise and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel.” Joseph listened to the angel of the Lord in his dream while still in Egypt. Our homily goes on to speak of Joseph on how little we know of him. Take time to read this homily from Father Ponec written in 2016 and learn what we do know of him.

Obedience to God’s will is what we must do ourselves during these secular times. Joseph listened to God’s will during his time and we must do the same during our time.

ALMIGHTY God, who hast poured upon us the new light of thine incarnate Word; Grant that thine same light enkindled in our hearts may shine forth in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Please pray for California and our first responders doing the best they can. Deacon

2nd Sunday after Christmas, 2016

Ascension Homily and more

From Deacon Ron Reno:

We were blessed! Father Andrews and Anneliese made it for the Ascension service. After all our tornado activity recently; it was wonderful to see them here safely. Earlier in the week Father suggested we do the Ascension of our Lord service. Father aspersed everyone while the choir sang the Vidi Aquam for that Rite. It was pretty dramatic that Pascal candle was extinguished during the reading of the Gospel as “He departed them.” Father also called all the mothers attending to the front to give them a blessing. That was another special moment. Thank you Father for all you do for this mission church. After Mass our mission group along with Father and Anneliese went to lunch at the LaCasa Restaurant. Thank you Vestry!

The college of Saint Mary’s graduation ceremonies will be this Saturday in the chapel. We will sing Evensong to celebrate Whitsunday/Pentecost. Our worship will be held this Sunday, May19 at 4PM. Please take note of this change. There will be no Anglican service at the Chapel this Saturday.

GRANT, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that like as we do believe thy only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into heaven; so that we may also in heart and mind thither ascend, and with him continually dwell, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. Collect for Ascension. God bless, Deacon


Whitsunday service homily and more

From Deacon Ron Reno:
Good morning! Today is Memorial Day, keep in mind “freedom is not free.”  it is a day to honor and mourn those who served and died for our freedoms. Keep in mind your prayers today of that sacrifice and pray for the families that you know who are in the military now. Pray for the families who have served in the past. Thank God for the wonderful country we are blessed to live in.

Father Andrews and Anneliese will be here to celebrate Trinity Sunday. We are a blessed community that this Godly man and his wife come and celebrate the Eucharist with us. Thank you Father for being the loving priest you are. Trinity Sunday celebrates the Church’s faith in the triune God in three persons. Everywhere the New Testament refers to three distinct persons equally divine. An early Christian writer Tertullian coined the the term “Trinity” to refer to the reality of three distinct, equal persons in one God. God revealed to us what we refer to as “The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” because of His love for us. His mission church in Omaha is a reflection of that  trinitarian love. Our belief in the Trinity shows itself by the pouring out of love we have for one another. God is love, says 1John 4:8. John 3:16 is another great scriptural reading. God bless, Deacon

Whitsunday homily and a copy of our bulletin from last Saturday. We were blessed again with the choir singing the Regina Coeli and the postlude “Come, God Creator, Holy Ghost…” We are such a blessed community.

Whitsunday(2023)     2023-05-27_Bulletin

Low Sunday Homily and more

From Deacon Ron Reno:

I hope everyone is well and enjoying the greening of Nebraska. We certainly have had our fair share of thunderstorms but the glory of God’s Creation is still all around us. Everyday we see more trees and flowers showing that beauty.

We have been praying for Traveling Mercies for Nick and now we need to pray for Traveling Mercies for all Bishops, Priests, Deacons and others going to the APCK Synod in California. We also need to pray for Traveling Mercies for Father Andrews and his wife Anneliese. We will be blessed to have Father for a full Mass on April 29. God bless, Deacon


Palm Sunday homily and more

From Deacon Ron Reno:

Good morning! A much colder morning than what we experienced yesterday morning. 70’s yesterday and 40’s today but we do love (mostly) and enjoy our four Seasons in Nebraska.

Please remember our fast and abstinence thru Good Friday. As we work through these last days of Lent and approach the Easter Triduum; we can reflect back to the beginning from the calling of the 12 Apostles through the events of God’s Holy Week. Ultimately the crucifixion and the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ is a new beginning offered to all of us. Pray for Christian unity that there will be one flock and one shepherd, Pray for the evangelization of all who have not heard and accepted the Good News about Jesus.

The sacred Easter Triduum starts at sundown on MaundyThursday to sundown on Easter Sunday. This is considered our most solemn part of the liturgical year. During these three days, consider what Jesus did for us through His passion, death and resurrection. Pray for our Bishops, Priests and Deacons to do God’s work. May God continue to bless us.

Our Good Friday service starts at 6 PM. Attached is our Palm service homily and Saint John’s music done for that service.

Palm(2023)      St. John Music Palm Sunday Deacon Mass

Sexagesima homily and more

From Deacon Ron Reno:

Good morning. We have a cold windy day ahead of the snow that is coming. We were blessed with a much needed long and soft rain yesterday. Let’s keep praying for all the people on the recently updated Saint Jude’s Intercessory list.

We are closing out our “gesima” seasons soon. It would good for our mission group to take some time to think of any Lenten resolutions they would like to make for themselves. I would think that praying for the Holy Spirits guidance would be a blessing. Turn off your computers and phones and find God within your quietness and His quiet. Don’t allow interruptions. Praying is like breathing and it needs to be continually done. We have more thoughts on this coming Lent in another email. Father Andrew’s is coming soon and I know he would like to take confessions. There is healing doing these confessions to done by a priest. It is something we don’t talk about, but we need to do. Confessions are good for our soul.

Bishop Ashman is coming on March 18th. Father Andrews is coming on March 4 or the 11th. It is always a blessing for these great men to come for a visit, They represent God’s Grace, God’s educators and God’s Mercy on this earth. Blessings

Father Andrews’ homily, and something on the lighter side, Yoda and Grogu searching for God.


April Chaplain’s Meeting

St. John the Baptist Anglican Church, meeting at Westminster Presbyterian, was the setting for the April Chaplains Meeting.  Fr. Robert Ponec extended the invitation to the Chaplains of the Omaha Police Department where a business meeting, seminar, and luncheon were shared.  Chaplains as well as OPD personnel attended.  Fr. Ponec has been a chaplain for the past four years.

Palm Sunday Service

St. John the Baptist Anglican Church had a beautiful Palm Sunday service.  The altar and sanctuary was adorned with a multitude of palm arrangements.  There was a blessing of the palms, choral reading of the passion, and a day-by-day walk through Holy Week offered by Fr. Robert Ponec.