Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity with Father Ponec’s homily

From Deacon Ron Reno:

We are all one in Christ Jesus. What a wonderful passage. In just a few verses, we have wiped away all prejudice: racism, sexism, bigotry of all shapes and sizes. These sentences came from one of Father Ponec’s last homilies. This homily was written for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity with a reference from Galatians (3:27). Please take time to read it. This homily was written by our priest in 2020 and is a must read. It shows the love of God this priest had and strength he had to write this homily. I remember Father was very sick at this time and I suspect he sensed his time on this earth was coming to an end. I can see through this homily that Father was fighting as a soldier of God to the end. This was a great man of God and many were blessed to know him.

O GOD, forasmuch as without thee we are not able to please thee; Mercifully grant that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We were blessed to have our choir to sing the responses as the Litany was chanted this last week. The Litany is very old and came from the early church in the fourth century. Our Litany is very similar to the one that Thomas Cranmer used in the 1544 English Church service. Cranmer relied mainly on the medieval Sarum Rite and also the German Litany of Martin Luther. The Anglican Church has a rich history to draw from. God bless, Deacon

Trinity 19^J 2020


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