From Deacon Ron Reno:
Good morning! We had a lovely Laetare (Rose) service last Saturday. The choir sang the introit, Gradual, Offertory verse, and the Communion Verse as well as our Lenten hymns. Thank you choir for making the “Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts” so special for this diocesan mission church. Something the choir did for this Rose service was the choral postlude “Stabat Mater, part IV.” That was an especially moving postlude.
As we move through this Lenten season we need to look at our spiritual progress. We need to look at how well we are praying, fasting, and almsgiving. We need to prepare ourselves to celebrate the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter and not get lost to distraction in our daily lives. To Jesus, His 40 days meant the birth of a new Israel liberated from sin, reconciliation to God and a new governance by the law of the spirit. Always remember that this mission church is His and we are His humble servants. Something we rarely do is a confession to a priest. When Father Andrew’s is back, please consider doing a confession. That would be a triumph for us during this Lent. Father Andrew’s homily is attached, God bless, Deacon